Round 11: Coughlin’s Law
Since Mrs Watson is a late apology, and I’m completely uninformed about this week’s games, here’s some gambling (or tipping) advice based on one of my favourite running movie themes; “Coughlin’s Law”. That’s right, I’m going to ask you to part with your hard-earned based on a set of laws propounded by a fictional film character who eventually ends up in such massive debt that he kills himself. Good times.
1. Something different is always something better.
There’s always at least one ‘upset’ each round, so don’t be afraid to go against the odds or Mike Sheehan’s awful, awful tipping. Go against teams who have over-inflated expectations, teams who over-performed last season or those who have had a soft run over the last four rounds. And when in doubt, try and imagine Tom Cruise and Bryan Brown arguing about it and take Bryan’s side.
2. Bury the dead they stink up the place.
Stay away from teams who are out of finals contention, they have nothing to play for. This goes double for late in the season when full tank mode is on. Richmond, I’m looking at you. (Speaking of the dead, is there any program in place where registered organ donors could potentially donate a hamstring to Tom Harley? Are we sure this isn’t why Max Rooke went to Germany? Is that why he had to change his name?)
3. Never show surprise, never lose your cool.
Look, the thing about punting (or publishing your tips on a website for all 7 of your international readers to see) is that you’re gonna get some wrong, or, in Mrs Watson’s case, a lot wrong. But what do you do when fall off the horse? (Besides humanely putting it down, grinding it up and making glue) You get right back on that bastard. Stick to your guns. And don’t be fooled by late week media rubbish; you already know who the better team is, so why listen to David Scwharz at 4pm Friday arvo on SEN talk about some late mail he’s just heard? This is the same man who once dropped 20K on a completely random Sydney-to-Hobart yacht and who early last week thought Essendon was “really taking it up to Geelong”.
4. Never tell tales about a woman. No matter how far away she is she’ll always hear you.
Don’t big note yourself when you pull one out your ass. Take it from Terry Wallace, who has just given the most inglorious press conference I’ve ever seen. It was like a grade 4 kid making excuses to the principal; “yeah the buck stops with me BUT what about the recruiters? Yeah, I did most of the recruiting BUT how about those Western Bulldogs that I built? Oh, and who put Matthew Richardson on the wing, huh?” Jesus, Terry, let it go. I’ve heard German prison guards who sounded more convincing.
5. All things end badly, or else they wouldn’t end.
This applies to winning streaks, records, hot gambling runs, any night that involves multiple shots of chartreuse, apparently Tim Rogers’ song-writing ability, Seinfeld, the whole ‘friend’s with benefits’ idea, and, unfortunately, the 2008 AFL finals series. (By the way, what a great line, turned into an instant classic by Bryan Brown’s completely over the top delivery. And while we’re here, do you remember the scene where Tom Cruise gives the “I am the world’s last barman/poet” speech? Has any recent film scene dated worse than that? I mean, I remember cringing a little at the time, but watching it now I keep hoping for Coughlin to pull Tom off the bar and give him the whole, “Maybe you should take it easy, Champ, stop talking for a while” bit. Hell, at least Bryan Brown was drunk for half the film.)
Captain: WB, StK, Bris, PA, Adel, Haw, Geel, Coll.
Season Tally: 60-20
Mrs Watson: WB, StK, Carl, PA, Adel, Haw, WC, Coll.
Season Tally: 49-31
Julia Gillard might as well face it, she’s addicted to love.
Season Tally: 50-30

1. Something different is always something better.
There’s always at least one ‘upset’ each round, so don’t be afraid to go against the odds or Mike Sheehan’s awful, awful tipping. Go against teams who have over-inflated expectations, teams who over-performed last season or those who have had a soft run over the last four rounds. And when in doubt, try and imagine Tom Cruise and Bryan Brown arguing about it and take Bryan’s side.
2. Bury the dead they stink up the place.
Stay away from teams who are out of finals contention, they have nothing to play for. This goes double for late in the season when full tank mode is on. Richmond, I’m looking at you. (Speaking of the dead, is there any program in place where registered organ donors could potentially donate a hamstring to Tom Harley? Are we sure this isn’t why Max Rooke went to Germany? Is that why he had to change his name?)
3. Never show surprise, never lose your cool.
Look, the thing about punting (or publishing your tips on a website for all 7 of your international readers to see) is that you’re gonna get some wrong, or, in Mrs Watson’s case, a lot wrong. But what do you do when fall off the horse? (Besides humanely putting it down, grinding it up and making glue) You get right back on that bastard. Stick to your guns. And don’t be fooled by late week media rubbish; you already know who the better team is, so why listen to David Scwharz at 4pm Friday arvo on SEN talk about some late mail he’s just heard? This is the same man who once dropped 20K on a completely random Sydney-to-Hobart yacht and who early last week thought Essendon was “really taking it up to Geelong”.
4. Never tell tales about a woman. No matter how far away she is she’ll always hear you.
Don’t big note yourself when you pull one out your ass. Take it from Terry Wallace, who has just given the most inglorious press conference I’ve ever seen. It was like a grade 4 kid making excuses to the principal; “yeah the buck stops with me BUT what about the recruiters? Yeah, I did most of the recruiting BUT how about those Western Bulldogs that I built? Oh, and who put Matthew Richardson on the wing, huh?” Jesus, Terry, let it go. I’ve heard German prison guards who sounded more convincing.
5. All things end badly, or else they wouldn’t end.
This applies to winning streaks, records, hot gambling runs, any night that involves multiple shots of chartreuse, apparently Tim Rogers’ song-writing ability, Seinfeld, the whole ‘friend’s with benefits’ idea, and, unfortunately, the 2008 AFL finals series. (By the way, what a great line, turned into an instant classic by Bryan Brown’s completely over the top delivery. And while we’re here, do you remember the scene where Tom Cruise gives the “I am the world’s last barman/poet” speech? Has any recent film scene dated worse than that? I mean, I remember cringing a little at the time, but watching it now I keep hoping for Coughlin to pull Tom off the bar and give him the whole, “Maybe you should take it easy, Champ, stop talking for a while” bit. Hell, at least Bryan Brown was drunk for half the film.)
Captain: WB, StK, Bris, PA, Adel, Haw, Geel, Coll.
Season Tally: 60-20
Mrs Watson: WB, StK, Carl, PA, Adel, Haw, WC, Coll.
Season Tally: 49-31
Julia Gillard might as well face it, she’s addicted to love.
Season Tally: 50-30
holy fucken shit balls!
I just watched that scene you linked to and i almost gagged.
That was fucked. I love the guitar chiming in at the end to polish the scene of nicely.
Cant polish a turd, buit god knows they tried.
Should we expect a guitar solo from Terry on the weekend?
I should fucking hope so.
Full credit to young Flannigan for getting the English accent out to rhyme "snazzy" with "kamikaze". That's commitment!
Captain, there seems to be a theme of these blogs, that much is obvious. What is less obvious is whether you are intentionally linking them - Vanilla Sky, Cocktail. I remember a couple of years about, probably 2006 (shit has it been that long), when you wrote that Mooney is "Still Dangerous".
Is someone putting you up to it? Is the next blog going to be with a Days of Thunder theme?
I hope I don't sound like I am criticizing you (or that I am a fan of Tom Cruise). Flannigan was awesome.
-Tee from Vancouver
Flugalbinder - don't think we didn't notice the reference in your moniker
I reckon we need a massive mailbag with a, "Yup these are my readers!"
While I pretty much know Top Gun word-for-word, Days of Thunder will always sucks the balls.
Chris Jackson,
(Searching for a comeback...)
Just don't go pouring gas on yourself & setting yourself on fire!
Captain, clearly your best effort of the season thus far. That $70 bucks won't ever die (or be spent, given the way that "Monty" is going).
Do you realise that this week is the first time this season that you have appeared in the comments section?
So since you are reading, can I request a mid season "Ask the Captain" segment. I know you don't like to repeat concepts, but that was funny as shit last year, can we do it again PLEASE?
Good then it's settled.
The only thing that scene from Cocktail needs is a drunk punter at the back of the club to hurl a half full Crownie, hit Cruise between the eyes and yell: "shut ya bloody gob and dish out the piss ya fucking wad".
Unfortunately in 1988, the best bloke for that job was behind the bar.
If there is ever a modern day remake, I nominate a Queenslander recently sent home from England, to read the line.
He'd be sure to hit the target, and have a Crownie handy.
I was only thinking about the 'Ask the Captain' section the other day.
Bring it back
-Tee from Vancouver
maverick was such a sweet thing, a really condiderate lover, he brought me flowers and everything, but he changed and we went out seperate ways. i remember when he pissed my father off to the point where daddy wanted to have him thrown out of the navy. daddy can be such an admiral sometimes! when goose went down mav started ranting about all sort of shit to do with aliens and god, it was sooo creepy. I miss him sometimes even though he still rides that crappy bike that can barely outrun a volkswagen roadster. but it could be worse, i could be held captive like poor little katie holmes.
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