Round 15: Watto & Otto MIA, or, Thank God for Jimmy
So, it looks like it’s just us again… for a couple of weeks, anyway. (Mrs Watson is currently stateside, undergoing the same rigorous training as Nathan Buckley recently completed at Notre Dame, in the hopes of landing one the vacant coaching positions. Having had a look at both lists, the off-field structures, facilities and support staff, I can let you in on a little secret; Mrs W wouldn’t go near Richmond with a pole the length of Michael Gale’s ponytail.)
The Cats have made four changes this week, losing Ling, Scarlett, Milburn and Kelly to injury, and bringing in Gamble, Lonergan, Wojcinski and debutant Tom Gillies. The wraps on Gillies are that he’s a stout defender in the Scarlett mould, and following in Matty’s lead, Tom hasn’t exactly been blessed in the looks department. And good! We don’t want no pretty boy full-backs! Look at the great full-backs of history, all of them hideous. Anyone watch those footy flashbacks on Channel 7? Check out some of the games from the ‘80s, plenty of good, old-fashioned, honest, ugly as sin footballers. There were none of your Jason Gram-types back then: Peroxide was used for cleaning, wax was for your surfboard and a solarium was an unknown, futuristic device assumed to be for the purpose of space travel. That’s the kind of player we need down back! No gloves, no designer stubble, just an ugly, angry man with one fist on the ball and one up the ass of his opponent! It’s probably out of necessity, but it’s a good time to bring him in; get him some exposure to the big time and on some good players (he might spend some time on Dallas Bradshaw) and have him ready should another one of our suddenly brittle tall defenders go down. Also good to see Wojack back; he’s a bit like Max Rooke in that he’s not going to get 30 touches a game, or kick 5 goals, but he brings something few AFL players have and as such his impact is felt with only a few key contributions. Gamble also gets another go and, although he has plenty of fans, he’s about three more average AFL games away from me making several Charlie Gardiner jokes.
Where is Hatchet Hawkins at? If Mrs Watson had a say he’d be in Bendigo this weekend. It’s times like this that Nablett’s laconic mediocrity looks relatively intense by comparison. If this was Round 7 or 8, I’d say let’s try another combination, but it’s almost too late in the season to drop him. Lips Thompson seems to have his favourites and he sticks with them. Although, given the turn around of Shannon ‘Brownlow’ Byrnes, maybe we should trust Lips’ perseverance. Or rock up to the Gold Coast with a(nother) bag full of cash for Nath.
But besides a physically ailing backline, a mentally crumbling forward line and a number one ruckman whose knee is taking longer to heal than Fidel Castro’s gout, Jimmy Bartel played his best game for the year in the biggest game of the year. Don't worry, everything’s fine.
Captain: WB, Syd, Carl, Gee, Adel, Haw, PA, StK
Season Tally: 83-29
Mrs Watson: WB, Syd, Rich, Gee, Adel, Haw, PA, StK
Season Tally: 75-37
(And don’t forget The Captain on Twitter @BigLeagueLittle)

The Cats have made four changes this week, losing Ling, Scarlett, Milburn and Kelly to injury, and bringing in Gamble, Lonergan, Wojcinski and debutant Tom Gillies. The wraps on Gillies are that he’s a stout defender in the Scarlett mould, and following in Matty’s lead, Tom hasn’t exactly been blessed in the looks department. And good! We don’t want no pretty boy full-backs! Look at the great full-backs of history, all of them hideous. Anyone watch those footy flashbacks on Channel 7? Check out some of the games from the ‘80s, plenty of good, old-fashioned, honest, ugly as sin footballers. There were none of your Jason Gram-types back then: Peroxide was used for cleaning, wax was for your surfboard and a solarium was an unknown, futuristic device assumed to be for the purpose of space travel. That’s the kind of player we need down back! No gloves, no designer stubble, just an ugly, angry man with one fist on the ball and one up the ass of his opponent! It’s probably out of necessity, but it’s a good time to bring him in; get him some exposure to the big time and on some good players (he might spend some time on Dallas Bradshaw) and have him ready should another one of our suddenly brittle tall defenders go down. Also good to see Wojack back; he’s a bit like Max Rooke in that he’s not going to get 30 touches a game, or kick 5 goals, but he brings something few AFL players have and as such his impact is felt with only a few key contributions. Gamble also gets another go and, although he has plenty of fans, he’s about three more average AFL games away from me making several Charlie Gardiner jokes.
Where is Hatchet Hawkins at? If Mrs Watson had a say he’d be in Bendigo this weekend. It’s times like this that Nablett’s laconic mediocrity looks relatively intense by comparison. If this was Round 7 or 8, I’d say let’s try another combination, but it’s almost too late in the season to drop him. Lips Thompson seems to have his favourites and he sticks with them. Although, given the turn around of Shannon ‘Brownlow’ Byrnes, maybe we should trust Lips’ perseverance. Or rock up to the Gold Coast with a(nother) bag full of cash for Nath.
But besides a physically ailing backline, a mentally crumbling forward line and a number one ruckman whose knee is taking longer to heal than Fidel Castro’s gout, Jimmy Bartel played his best game for the year in the biggest game of the year. Don't worry, everything’s fine.
Captain: WB, Syd, Carl, Gee, Adel, Haw, PA, StK
Season Tally: 83-29
Mrs Watson: WB, Syd, Rich, Gee, Adel, Haw, PA, StK
Season Tally: 75-37
(And don’t forget The Captain on Twitter @BigLeagueLittle)
and now you can add Ablett and Travis "maybe I am not such a hack after all" Varcoe to the injury list.
Love your comments regarding full backs - couldn't agree more. Full backs should be bitter and angry men, men who resent glamour forwards and eixst to make their lives flash before their eyes in four quarters of misery and pain.
Plus, I have it on pretty good authority that you have managed to find a photo of a rare event - Jimmy in the presence of a half naked woman... Does anyone really believe the "I have a girlfriend in Europe" story at the Brownlow?
baby jesus and donnie varcoe out and there's reason enough to be worried.
I agree that full backs should be mean and ugly but it's a bit harsh on silvagni and gary malarky
I agree, I think Silvangni probably did alright with the ladies plus he ended up with a little bit of alright (then again, Barry Hall is proof that anyone with money can get a beautiful woman).
I'm almost tempted to pick Brisbane. Cherry ripe!
-Tee from Whistler
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