An Open Letter, or, Time For a Beer
Dear all,
First of all, my apologies about the extraordinarily low output over the summer months: Despite having several thoughts about the Australian cricket teams, their selection, their tactics and their future, I was unable to arrange them all into something coherent enough to read. Instead these thoughts will remain forgotten, burped on to the wind at so many drunken barbeques. (As a result of this, I’d also like to extend that apology to anyone who occasionally checked back to Big League and continually witnessed that goofy photo of Andrew McDonald: No-one needs that.) More to the point, however, I think my lack of production speaks to larger problem I’m having.
At many times over the past 3 years I have started, scrapped, adjusted and then rewritten blogs, always managing to squeeze something out; an idea, theory, joke or slanderous accusation. Over the past, almost, 6 months, however, this has not been the case; I appear to have lost my 'voice'.
So, as of today, Big League Little League will officially take a break of indefinite length.
Did the events of last September take it out of me? Perhaps. But I don’t think I’ll know until deeper into the season. I did watch the first NAB Cup game and I have plans to watch the next. I still have the occasional interesting thought about Geelong and the AFL in general and this is not a definite end, but rather a, “wait-and-see” type of situation.
I’d like to encourage everyone interested to sign up for the RSS feed, so if and when we come back, you’ll be notified. And who knows, maybe the NAB Cup sighting of Kane Tenace will inspire the ink to flow. Maybe Mrs Watson will take the reins again. Or maybe Big League will emerge as something completely different.
In the meantime, thanks to all readers, and especially to those who took the time to comment.
Best Wishes,
The Captain

First of all, my apologies about the extraordinarily low output over the summer months: Despite having several thoughts about the Australian cricket teams, their selection, their tactics and their future, I was unable to arrange them all into something coherent enough to read. Instead these thoughts will remain forgotten, burped on to the wind at so many drunken barbeques. (As a result of this, I’d also like to extend that apology to anyone who occasionally checked back to Big League and continually witnessed that goofy photo of Andrew McDonald: No-one needs that.) More to the point, however, I think my lack of production speaks to larger problem I’m having.
At many times over the past 3 years I have started, scrapped, adjusted and then rewritten blogs, always managing to squeeze something out; an idea, theory, joke or slanderous accusation. Over the past, almost, 6 months, however, this has not been the case; I appear to have lost my 'voice'.
So, as of today, Big League Little League will officially take a break of indefinite length.
Did the events of last September take it out of me? Perhaps. But I don’t think I’ll know until deeper into the season. I did watch the first NAB Cup game and I have plans to watch the next. I still have the occasional interesting thought about Geelong and the AFL in general and this is not a definite end, but rather a, “wait-and-see” type of situation.
I’d like to encourage everyone interested to sign up for the RSS feed, so if and when we come back, you’ll be notified. And who knows, maybe the NAB Cup sighting of Kane Tenace will inspire the ink to flow. Maybe Mrs Watson will take the reins again. Or maybe Big League will emerge as something completely different.
In the meantime, thanks to all readers, and especially to those who took the time to comment.
Best Wishes,
The Captain
Firstly LOL @ that pic of Scarlett. Where on Earth did you find that. Priceless for so many reasons.
Second of all, thank you for apologising for the Andrew McDonald picture... I was one of those who every week or so checked back to see if there was a new blog and no, a picture of Andrew McDonald is certainly not something that warms your browser.
Thirdly, I am sad to see a hiatus from your writing but I can understand the break - its hard to keep up such an enormous pace forever. Who knows, if Con the Fruiterer had taken the odd break to freshen up he might still be around (and I'm sure we are all glad he's no longer on TV).
To me your little explanation sounded a little bit like when onf of you mates tells you that he and his girlfriend are just 'having a break'. Can you honestly recall an instance where 'a break' has ever been just some little time off?
I hope you prove me wrong Captain. I believe in you.
-Tee from Vancouver
Captain my captain,
I, like Tee, have regularly checked the BLLL site over the last few months and am saddened by the news in this blog.
I respect that it is tough work to churn out a weekly piece over the length of time you have and wish you all the best in your down time.
Just promise us readers that you won't go all Axel Rose on us and disappear for ages and then come back with a bunch of shit!
I sincerely wish you well and will sign up for the RSS feed in the hope that you(and/or Mrs Watto) will get back on the horse again soon!
- Basso Divor (in Perth)
Sad news Captain.
Rest assured that every time that Shannon Byrnes misses the target, when Ben Cousins falls asleep on a park bench, when Terry Wallace gets sacked and feels hard done by, when Josh Hunt finally puts some poor bastard in intensive care, when they hang the Chas around Gazzas neck, when some weak prick needs to be put in his place, when there is bragging to be done, whenever I look at Mark Thompson right in the lips, when I am bleeding blue and white hoops, when we that prick Al Clarkson gets what is coming, when Steve Johnson wins the 2009 Norm Smith in September and celebrates by hot-wiring Adrian Andersons BMW and doing doughnuts on the hallowed MCG turf while sculling a bottle of Moet, when anyone mentions the word "fist", when sanity prevails and the Cats once again drink from the Premiership Cup, when I need to laugh at the silliest shit and when the CFA put out these fucking bushfires in my town so I can concentrate on being a one-eyed and big mouthed Geelong worshipper, I will think of the 2 blokes from g-town that I stumbled across in Grand Final week of 2007.
Gentlemen it has been (and hopefully will continue to be) an absolute pleasure to participate in this blog.
As always GO CATS!!!!!
I seem to recall a wild and crazy idea floated a little while back suggesting Fustercluck take the reins on this pony for a while - in fact it may have even been an offer from the good Captain himself?
I've certainly enjoyed the quality of F'cluck's contributions over the last 18 months.
A concept you might entertain Mister Fuster?
- Basso Divor
I think you've got your Roses mixed up with your Foleys, Basso.
Sad to hear the news that you've decided to take a break from BLLL! Hopefully u will weaken and return to writing ur addictive blogs. Just wait for a Collingwood player to get into strife!!!
Thanks for ur humourous insight the past few years!
Basso, If the Captain would be okay with it, I would love to mind the fort at BLLL providing it is on a temporary basis and that there is plenty of participation from the other readers.
Hopefully the Captain will get his mojo back before I have a chance to fuck things up too much.
A challenge, but for a good cause.
The pre-game spray for the round 1 clash against the Hoax (oops.. I mean the Hawks) should be fun.
To quote Woody in Toy Story:
No, no, no, no, no, no.......
As others have said, hurry up and get your mojo back Captain. In the meantime, I agree that F'cluck might just be the supersub we need.
Yep agreed. Fustercluck has my vote for babysitting the blog
-Tee from Vancouver
Sorry to football matters here...
What the hell is with Hawthorn? They need to bring in 7 players from Box Hill. They field one premiership player... even Clarkson can't be fucked making the trip out to Riverland (wherever that is - sounds like a supermarket).
I know I'm out of the country at the moment but I don't quite understand. Having an extended finals campaign can't be any kind of excuse.
- Tee from Vancouver
Will defintely miss the Captain's take on the real burning issues. As a London-based Carlton supporter, even I still get more entertainment and value out of one entry, compared to a whole season of illegally downloaded "On the couch" episodes.
Hi Tee hope all is well and good in Vancouver (bit cold for a Perth boy isn't it?),
Ah the Hawks, the team with a sensational list and a gameplan that is only slightly modified from the Paul Roos model of 2005.
Last time I checked, the Cats had countered the flood or zone or cluster or whatever the journos will be calling it next week.
The only thing that keeps that sort of shitty non-footy going is that not every club has the cattle (nor the courage) to play the attacking brand of football required to break it open, so they are forced to play a shitty, clogged up kind of game.
I can't be alone when I say that I can't wait for the world to wake up to that dick Al Clarkson.
Here's hoping Clarko's world goes pear shaped very soon (and often) during season 2009.
Hi Gadjo, it's nice to see that opposition supporters read this blog too. Best of luck for tonight's game. You'll need it mate!
Cats in a close one by 60+ pts
Give him the keys Captain
Well those pies are sure gonna be contenders! Anybody like the way the cats played on Friday night?
I couldn't give a rats about the silly cup, but seeing the blue and white machine in fifth gear and flying was heartwarming.
Loved the performance of Gazza and Selwo (obviously!) thought Mackie was great, very attacking and super skillled by foot. What did the BLLL faithful think of the other cats?
Opinion on the pies stars like Alan "flat track" Didak and Dale "gun against the shit sides" Thomas are most welcome!!
Torrent download 37.5% complete. I have to wait for that useless Collingwood supporter who uploaded the torrent to continue seeding it.
-Tee from Vancouver
It was a beautiful thing. All the media speak before the game was about the similarities between the Geelong and Collingwood lists, along with several reminders of how Collingwood had either beaten us or got very close in the last three encounters. But you gotta love beating those cocky bastards and their feral fans, some of whom demonstrated their inability to handle a comprehensive walloping by getting physical in the outer.
The turning point was Collingwood’s Chris Bryan’s cheap shot on B.O.G. Joel Selwood halfway through the second quarter. (This probably inspired the Magpie numb-nuts in the outer!). Soon after Selwo was decked, The Cats piled on five unanswered goals in five minutes to break the game wide open.
Collingwood only have to wait until round 3 for another fisting. (Thanks Mrs Watto).
So who should come into the team for Josh “Smelly” Hunt? (Thanks to The Captain for that handle.)
Wojo should be a certain starter and David Johnson, Dan McKenna and Jeremy Laidler all impressed throughout the NAB scratch match Cup.
Tom Lonergan originally debuted in the back line with the Senior team, something the coaching staff were no doubt mindful of when they shifted him back late in the game.
I thought it a good move by the coaching panel - I’m not convinced with Tom as a forward. While there’s no doubting his courage, he doesn’t hold marks and his forward pressure and second efforts need some work.
Looking forward to Round 1; Big Cam has had a few months to ponder that last Saturday last September and will no doubt have a bit of fire in the belly – so long as a keeps a handle on it! The Cats will be no doubt very short odds to open their 2009 campaign and I can’t see Whorethorn getting within 40 points.
Go Cats!
Basso Divor
Whorethorn! By jeez you've thrown the gauntlet down haven't you boy. Are you challenging Fustercluck for the keys to BLLL?
Top stuff chap
-Tee from Vancouver
PS Captain, if you are still poking your head in here from time to time, you have to let someone continue the spirit of BLLL. We need a home and Big Footy just won't cut it. We can't have 'Captain' Fustercluck and 'Mrs' Divor posting their reviews here in the comments section of your blog all season...
Tee: As long as that torrent is the only thing the Pies supporters are seeding!
Basso: Love the Whorethorn, 'cause it makes Clarko their Madam which works on so many levels!
Fustercluck wrote:
"when Josh Hunt finally puts some poor bastard in intensive care"
Dear Josh,
oops...I was actually thinking more along the lines of an opposition player, mate!
You can take the boy out of Mildura but....
As to the Josh replacement, perhaps David "the dome" Johnson?
(not to be confused with Collingwood star Ben "NFG" Johnson, that bloke has less right foot than Shannon Byrnes)
Then DJ and SJ could have a sort of reformed pissheads alliance thing going across half-back.
I know DJ has his limitations ability wise, but lets not forget that he hasn't played a lot of games in the last 2 years during the "awesome era".
Perhaps 5 games with the playing group will begin to move his game up to the next level.
Agree with Tee on the Wojo, if he's fit he's an essential cog in the machine.
Can't wait for the big one at the G, damn this weeks rest bullshit, the cats are good to go right now.
Oh yeah, Captain if you are watching, a few questions that I've been meaning to ask for a while now...
What exactly do you feed an RSS?
Can you give them table scraps or do you need to buy canned food?
Obviously cooked bones and chicken bones are a no-no.
apologies in advance for the above
Try and find some highlights of last year's round 17 clash with Whorethorn. It was the Cats biggest game of the year and David Johnson's first in a year I would estimate.
He slotted in brilliantly...
-Tee from Vancouver
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