Siren, anyone?

Ok, ok, now be honest: did you hear the siren, or not? If, like me, you were bored as fuck last Sunday afternoon and couldn't scrape together anything better to do than watch these two pansy teams play ringa-ringa-rosey for a couple of hours on tv, then you also would have missed the siren completely. No big deal, I guess;after alll, we're just half drunk, couch-bound, no-lifes with zero influence on our own bowels, let alone the outcome of an AFL game. But when an AFL umpire doesn't hear a siren - something that's supposed to be the loudest sound made that day - you've got shit soup, my friend. Shit Fucking Soup!
At the time of writing this sorry excuse for an article, the AFL was yet to complete its thorough investigation, meaning that until anyone hears otherwise the game is a draw: 2 points Freo, 2 points Sainters. The final decision on this debacle will be made on Wednesdy apparently, but it can't really be that hard, or time consuming, a decision to make, can it?
Let's face it, it's simple, one team is lying. At the moment it seems we've either got a team of Dockers who've somehow evolved into a pack of superheroes with wolf like super-hearing, or a team of Saints doing their best to pretend that the low warbling sound towards the end of the 4th quarter was just another one of Grant Thomas' famous walnut farts. I prefer the first option. Think about it. After weighing it up, I've decided that Connolly has developed himself a team of Phantoms. And no, I don't mean that masked Frank Spencer poonce, spat out of Andrew Lloyd Webber's date hole. I mean that super hero dude, with the skull belt. Couldn't he conjure super-hearing at will? I mean, c'mon, run with me, The Phantom is purple and everything! And how else were these guys the only people in the whole fucking country who heard this sorry excuse for a siren?
But I digress...let's get back to the siren itself because, after all, this was the actual cause of the fuck-up.
Who makes a siren you can't hear anyway? Isn't that the fucking point of the siren: to be able to hear it over other noises, be it crowd noise or Gherig's grunting? God Damn! Only a Tasmanian would design and construct a device so useless. And how about this: if the siren didn't sound right before the ball up, which is when the Freo players say they heard it, well then, when did it? The umps say they never heard the siren sound, but at no stage after the ball up did a siren sound either. This means, that technically, the game should still be going right now. The siren has yet to sound.
To avoid such confusion again, I hear that the AFL won't be letting anyone through the gates from now on that doesn't promise to keep their voices down during the game. Great solution, I say. Anything to shut those fuckin' cheer squads up gets a big tick from me. Now, if we could only outlaw those ridiculous banners...
Ah, it's great to be back.

Ok, ok, now be honest: did you hear the siren, or not? If, like me, you were bored as fuck last Sunday afternoon and couldn't scrape together anything better to do than watch these two pansy teams play ringa-ringa-rosey for a couple of hours on tv, then you also would have missed the siren completely. No big deal, I guess;after alll, we're just half drunk, couch-bound, no-lifes with zero influence on our own bowels, let alone the outcome of an AFL game. But when an AFL umpire doesn't hear a siren - something that's supposed to be the loudest sound made that day - you've got shit soup, my friend. Shit Fucking Soup!
At the time of writing this sorry excuse for an article, the AFL was yet to complete its thorough investigation, meaning that until anyone hears otherwise the game is a draw: 2 points Freo, 2 points Sainters. The final decision on this debacle will be made on Wednesdy apparently, but it can't really be that hard, or time consuming, a decision to make, can it?
Let's face it, it's simple, one team is lying. At the moment it seems we've either got a team of Dockers who've somehow evolved into a pack of superheroes with wolf like super-hearing, or a team of Saints doing their best to pretend that the low warbling sound towards the end of the 4th quarter was just another one of Grant Thomas' famous walnut farts. I prefer the first option. Think about it. After weighing it up, I've decided that Connolly has developed himself a team of Phantoms. And no, I don't mean that masked Frank Spencer poonce, spat out of Andrew Lloyd Webber's date hole. I mean that super hero dude, with the skull belt. Couldn't he conjure super-hearing at will? I mean, c'mon, run with me, The Phantom is purple and everything! And how else were these guys the only people in the whole fucking country who heard this sorry excuse for a siren?
But I digress...let's get back to the siren itself because, after all, this was the actual cause of the fuck-up.
Who makes a siren you can't hear anyway? Isn't that the fucking point of the siren: to be able to hear it over other noises, be it crowd noise or Gherig's grunting? God Damn! Only a Tasmanian would design and construct a device so useless. And how about this: if the siren didn't sound right before the ball up, which is when the Freo players say they heard it, well then, when did it? The umps say they never heard the siren sound, but at no stage after the ball up did a siren sound either. This means, that technically, the game should still be going right now. The siren has yet to sound.
To avoid such confusion again, I hear that the AFL won't be letting anyone through the gates from now on that doesn't promise to keep their voices down during the game. Great solution, I say. Anything to shut those fuckin' cheer squads up gets a big tick from me. Now, if we could only outlaw those ridiculous banners...
Ah, it's great to be back.
Thanks for diverting attention away from the cats. The less said the better
Thats why the 4.45 melbourne bound toots its horn at south geelong...
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