The Fluffy Tiger, or, Final Destination
We all knew it was going to happen, hell, some of us (Mrs. Watson) have wished for it to happen for some time now. But still, seeing the Kent of Kingsley wearing Richmond Football Club paraphernalia and sitting alongside that smug prick Terry Wallace had a slightly surreal feel to it. It seemed more likely that they were both out of a football job and were announcing a charity fun run as part of their new role as spokespersons for Pura Milk; a very specific surreal feel to it, yes, but still surreal.
Still, it seems the Richmond faithful are not as stupid as they smell, as they allegedly bombarded talkback radio and internet chat rooms (although no word here, Ray) voicing their disgust with the Kingsley signing. All I can say is, it’s early days yet, and once we get a bit closer to the winter, and they see Kent prancing around the forward pocket, chest puffed out, casually missing goals and then refusing to chase, well, its gonna be hard for them to tell him and Richo apart. Richmond fans, enjoy the latest Fluffy Tiger.
Richmond fans aren’t the only ones going public with their disgust, however. Brendan Fevola’s in-laws have apparently released a copy of a voicemail message left for him by teenage swimsuit model Lara Bingle, which they claim confirms the two had an affair. (It’s alright, I’ll wait while you Google her. Go on, I don’t mind.) It hasn’t been the best of summers for Fev, what, with the Chris Johnson impression he pulled on that Irish Bartender, and now his marriage is breaking up. Good call by the Carlton board not to take a chance on Ty Zantuck; with the form Fevola’s in those two would have been fighting, fucking or pissing on someone in no time. In Hindsight, probably a good call by the Blues not to give Fev the captaincy.
News out of Geelong is that shortly after being re-drafted by the Cats, Tom “Final Destination” Lonergan was involved in a nasty car accident in which he was shunted into on-coming traffic and was lucky to live. Maybe you should take it easy for a while there, Champ, have a good lie down.
Also drafted by the Cats was 22 year old ex-Essendon tease Joel Reynolds. The story we’re being spun is that he’s had injury after injury and never had a chance to find his feet. We’ll see, but worth a punt, I’d reckon. By the way, Mrs. Watson has promised he’ll be back better and bitterer than ever once the season starts. That's all for now folks.

Still, it seems the Richmond faithful are not as stupid as they smell, as they allegedly bombarded talkback radio and internet chat rooms (although no word here, Ray) voicing their disgust with the Kingsley signing. All I can say is, it’s early days yet, and once we get a bit closer to the winter, and they see Kent prancing around the forward pocket, chest puffed out, casually missing goals and then refusing to chase, well, its gonna be hard for them to tell him and Richo apart. Richmond fans, enjoy the latest Fluffy Tiger.
Richmond fans aren’t the only ones going public with their disgust, however. Brendan Fevola’s in-laws have apparently released a copy of a voicemail message left for him by teenage swimsuit model Lara Bingle, which they claim confirms the two had an affair. (It’s alright, I’ll wait while you Google her. Go on, I don’t mind.) It hasn’t been the best of summers for Fev, what, with the Chris Johnson impression he pulled on that Irish Bartender, and now his marriage is breaking up. Good call by the Carlton board not to take a chance on Ty Zantuck; with the form Fevola’s in those two would have been fighting, fucking or pissing on someone in no time. In Hindsight, probably a good call by the Blues not to give Fev the captaincy.
News out of Geelong is that shortly after being re-drafted by the Cats, Tom “Final Destination” Lonergan was involved in a nasty car accident in which he was shunted into on-coming traffic and was lucky to live. Maybe you should take it easy for a while there, Champ, have a good lie down.
Also drafted by the Cats was 22 year old ex-Essendon tease Joel Reynolds. The story we’re being spun is that he’s had injury after injury and never had a chance to find his feet. We’ll see, but worth a punt, I’d reckon. By the way, Mrs. Watson has promised he’ll be back better and bitterer than ever once the season starts. That's all for now folks.
Bitter? I will not be censored this season, big leaguers. And if you think jokes about Wallys's wife are off limits, you better think again. Can't wait!!
who else is going to kick coburg's goals? if richo goes down were fucked anyway.happy new year fellas look forward to reading your crap and putting shit on richmond as per usual. met a bloke in the lock up last night tells me is name is stevey johnson? maybe he'd like to join me and fev and taz at AA's?
saya mengucapkan banyak terimakasih kepada MBAH WITJAKSONO yang telah menolong saya dalam kesulitan,ini tidak pernah terfikirkan dari benak saya kalau nomor yang saya pasang bisa tembus dan ALHAMDULILLAH kini saya sekeluarga sudah bisa melunasi semua hutang2 kami,sebenarnya saya bukan penggemar togel tapi apa boleh buat kondisi yang tidak memunkinkan dan akhirnya saya minta tolong sama MBAH WITJAKSONO dengan senang hati MBAH WITJAKSONO mau membantu saya..,ALHAMDULILLAH nomor yang dikasih semuanya bener2 terbukti tembus dan baru kali ini saya menemukan dukun yang jujur,jangan anda takut untuk menhubungi jika anda ingin mendapatkan nomor yang betul2 tembus seperti saya,silahkan hubungi MBAH WITJAKSONO DI 0852_2223_1459. ingat kesempat tidak akan datang untuk yang kedua kalinga
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