Persecuting Mooney, or, Denis & The Devil
Yeah, yeah, so Cam Mooney is the only player to be suspended 4 times during one season. Big frickin’ deal. He’s had 3 one week suspensions and the latest one was ‘back-loaded’ and upgraded to 2 weeks due the AFL’s ridiculous match review and tribunal set up.
Quickly reviewing Mooney’s suspensions, the first one was a phantom head-butt on Ben Holland, the second was shot to the ribs of Port Adelaide’s Josh Mahoney, the 3rd was a charge on the Kangaroo’s Daniel Pratt and the latest was another body shot, this time to Sydney’s Amon Buchanon.
Leaving aside Mooney’s impeccable taste in victims, is all this media head-shaking really warranted? For starters, the head butt was non-existent and the charge is an inevitable part of playing a collision sport; note the term ‘collision sport’, as opposed to ‘contact sport’. As for the 2 striking charges, well, probably fair enough; we can’t have people deliberately throwing punches.
In his defence, however, they were both shots to the body, not to the head, and they were both in play, in situations where the player was receiving some physical pressure anyway. And it was Josh Mahoney; surely that should count for something.
The way the match review system is structured, with pre-set levels and punishments, players, or players advocates, argue minor technicalities, which should generally be irrelevant, to get lesser penalties. Where the contact is made is clear enough, but how does one even attempt to evaluate a player’s intent, or the severity of the blow?
Stuart Dew (yes, he’s still playing) had his charge downgraded after successfully argued that the head high elbow he threw, 50 metres off the ball, was ‘in play’. Daniel Kerr had his penalty cut in half when admitted that, yes, I wanted to hit him, but not there. This is madness.
The match review system should be scraped and replaced by common sense. No grading, no intentions, no levels, no witnesses, no testimony, no bio-mechanic experts, no gym bags full of unmarked, non-sequential 20’s from Dustin Fletcher. Just watch the the incident. Just look at the tape and tell me; how many weeks do you reckon that’s worth?
And as for Mark Riccuito, fuck me, he seems to get away with whatever he likes because he’s an Adelaide bogan. I’ve seen the Roo punch, or elbow, at least 2 players in the head this season, completely intentionally, and it’s all shits and giggles for Dermott Brereton and co. as they applaud his old school ‘physical attack’. Yet when Mooney does it they question his sanity, sounding like Californian schoolgirls as they say, ‘he’s losing it,’ or that he had a ‘brain fade’. Proper medical terms to be sure.
Jeff Farmer, after kicking 4 of the cheapest goals you’ll ever see last week against the Saints, charged straight up to Justin Koschitzke and started roughing him. Way to pick on the guy with the brain injury, Farmer. Poor old Justin hadn’t said a word to him all night, yet all Commetti could muster was, “he’s never far from the action, Jeffrey.” What’s the matter Denis, couldn’t file quick enough to one of your pre-prepared convoluted similes, sure to be included in your next shithouse, unnecessary, soon to be bargain bin, slap in the face to literature? Tell me Denis, do you get change when you sell your soul? Why not just waltz into the the State Library and take a huge dump? I’m usually completely against book burning, but in this case, I’ll make an exception.
Media imbalance and tribunal inconsistencies aside, Cameron Mooney must shoulder the bulk of the blame. He seemed to have reigned himself in this season, but it was only a passing phase. As the Lady Captain pointed out, he seems reasonable bright, so why does he keep doing it? Is he trying to force his way out of Geelong? [Please don't even suggest this! - Mrs Watson]
Whatever the case may be, he’s done for this year. Maybe he knew the season was over and decided to even up an old score. Perhaps he thought, "Nick Davis isn't here, fuck it, I'll hit that prick Buchanon instead." Let’s at least make sure he’s available against Fremantle next year and we’ll see how Jeffrey likes it when someone pushes back.

Quickly reviewing Mooney’s suspensions, the first one was a phantom head-butt on Ben Holland, the second was shot to the ribs of Port Adelaide’s Josh Mahoney, the 3rd was a charge on the Kangaroo’s Daniel Pratt and the latest was another body shot, this time to Sydney’s Amon Buchanon.
Leaving aside Mooney’s impeccable taste in victims, is all this media head-shaking really warranted? For starters, the head butt was non-existent and the charge is an inevitable part of playing a collision sport; note the term ‘collision sport’, as opposed to ‘contact sport’. As for the 2 striking charges, well, probably fair enough; we can’t have people deliberately throwing punches.
In his defence, however, they were both shots to the body, not to the head, and they were both in play, in situations where the player was receiving some physical pressure anyway. And it was Josh Mahoney; surely that should count for something.
The way the match review system is structured, with pre-set levels and punishments, players, or players advocates, argue minor technicalities, which should generally be irrelevant, to get lesser penalties. Where the contact is made is clear enough, but how does one even attempt to evaluate a player’s intent, or the severity of the blow?
Stuart Dew (yes, he’s still playing) had his charge downgraded after successfully argued that the head high elbow he threw, 50 metres off the ball, was ‘in play’. Daniel Kerr had his penalty cut in half when admitted that, yes, I wanted to hit him, but not there. This is madness.
The match review system should be scraped and replaced by common sense. No grading, no intentions, no levels, no witnesses, no testimony, no bio-mechanic experts, no gym bags full of unmarked, non-sequential 20’s from Dustin Fletcher. Just watch the the incident. Just look at the tape and tell me; how many weeks do you reckon that’s worth?
And as for Mark Riccuito, fuck me, he seems to get away with whatever he likes because he’s an Adelaide bogan. I’ve seen the Roo punch, or elbow, at least 2 players in the head this season, completely intentionally, and it’s all shits and giggles for Dermott Brereton and co. as they applaud his old school ‘physical attack’. Yet when Mooney does it they question his sanity, sounding like Californian schoolgirls as they say, ‘he’s losing it,’ or that he had a ‘brain fade’. Proper medical terms to be sure.
Jeff Farmer, after kicking 4 of the cheapest goals you’ll ever see last week against the Saints, charged straight up to Justin Koschitzke and started roughing him. Way to pick on the guy with the brain injury, Farmer. Poor old Justin hadn’t said a word to him all night, yet all Commetti could muster was, “he’s never far from the action, Jeffrey.” What’s the matter Denis, couldn’t file quick enough to one of your pre-prepared convoluted similes, sure to be included in your next shithouse, unnecessary, soon to be bargain bin, slap in the face to literature? Tell me Denis, do you get change when you sell your soul? Why not just waltz into the the State Library and take a huge dump? I’m usually completely against book burning, but in this case, I’ll make an exception.
Media imbalance and tribunal inconsistencies aside, Cameron Mooney must shoulder the bulk of the blame. He seemed to have reigned himself in this season, but it was only a passing phase. As the Lady Captain pointed out, he seems reasonable bright, so why does he keep doing it? Is he trying to force his way out of Geelong? [Please don't even suggest this! - Mrs Watson]
Whatever the case may be, he’s done for this year. Maybe he knew the season was over and decided to even up an old score. Perhaps he thought, "Nick Davis isn't here, fuck it, I'll hit that prick Buchanon instead." Let’s at least make sure he’s available against Fremantle next year and we’ll see how Jeffrey likes it when someone pushes back.
This is about the first blog I haven't liked. How can someone attack Denis Cometti? I thought his book was piss funny.
Also from what i've heard (the camera doesn't pick it up well but this is how I viewed it as well) Kosi came running straight up to Farmer while he was celebrating to get in the way. If you ask me, Kosi was taking advantage of the fact that he was probably the only player on the field that Farmer wouldn't go after given his condition. If I was Jeffrey I would have tested out his bandage if that was the case, i'm sure the hairy Cam is with me on that one. Kosi should also 'pick on someone his own size' not Jeffrey (also clearly a sign that his head isn't right - going after the only guy on the team who will have a go at him - the Wiz)
Fair call Tim, Cometti is certainly not the worst by a long shot. Although I'd pay money to see Mooney belt the crap out of Farmer and Jason Bennett! Not too many would complain if Big Cam got two weeks for that!
Hey I actually like Jason Bennett (well on Headliners anyway but not commentating). Football is going to shit though. No Fox footy and no channel nine = owrst possible scenario. We have fcuking Bruce McAvaney and Sandy Roberts and all those old cheesers to look forward to :(
Glad i'm going to be overseas for next years footy season. Hopefully i'll be a country that has gnarly foreign commentators. I wouldn't mind hearing 'Like a Cork in the Ocean' in swahilli
Spot on about Cometti, Captain.
Bravo, Captain! Hats off on the Cometti call. Some of that tosser's jokes are so obviously lame and scripted you could slot them into an episode of 'Blossom' and no-one could tell the difference. They very often don't make any fuckin' sense at all either. Malcolm Blight, now that'd be an interesting choice. No pretensions there. Just says whatever the hell he wants, and digs on umpires to boot. Gold!
When Brian Taylor is in form, he's great, especially when he's hanging shit on Garry Lyon.
As for Blighty, I love his work. He feels no pressure to sell the game and has no interest in towing channel 10's company line. He's like the guy who wins tattslotto but comes to work anyway to tell his boss what he really thinks.
But if Blighty has to sit through another 45 to 37, Syd v Rich game, I think he's gonna crack. I can see him firing F-bombs at the boundary riders and Tim Lane before lapsing into a catatonic state reminiscent of Bill Murray in Rushmore, eventually locking the commentary room doors as a hyper-ventilating Quatermain squeals to his producers, but is ultimately left to watch, as Blighty recalls anecdotes from his playing days, tells what it was like to coach Gary Hocking and gives a one word assessment of Grant Thomas' mental capacities that starts with F and ends in uckwit.
So, do we know if Channel 7 has apporached Malcolm yet?
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