An Open Letter, or, Time For a Beer
Dear all,
First of all, my apologies about the extraordinarily low output over the summer months: Despite having several thoughts about the Australian cricket teams, their selection, their tactics and their future, I was unable to arrange them all into something coherent enough to read. Instead these thoughts will remain forgotten, burped on to the wind at so many drunken barbeques. (As a result of this, I’d also like to extend that apology to anyone who occasionally checked back to Big League and continually witnessed that goofy photo of Andrew McDonald: No-one needs that.) More to the point, however, I think my lack of production speaks to larger problem I’m having.
At many times over the past 3 years I have started, scrapped, adjusted and then rewritten blogs, always managing to squeeze something out; an idea, theory, joke or slanderous accusation. Over the past, almost, 6 months, however, this has not been the case; I appear to have lost my 'voice'.
So, as of today, Big League Little League will officially take a break of indefinite length.
Did the events of last September take it out of me? Perhaps. But I don’t think I’ll know until deeper into the season. I did watch the first NAB Cup game and I have plans to watch the next. I still have the occasional interesting thought about Geelong and the AFL in general and this is not a definite end, but rather a, “wait-and-see” type of situation.
I’d like to encourage everyone interested to sign up for the RSS feed, so if and when we come back, you’ll be notified. And who knows, maybe the NAB Cup sighting of Kane Tenace will inspire the ink to flow. Maybe Mrs Watson will take the reins again. Or maybe Big League will emerge as something completely different.
In the meantime, thanks to all readers, and especially to those who took the time to comment.
Best Wishes,
The Captain

First of all, my apologies about the extraordinarily low output over the summer months: Despite having several thoughts about the Australian cricket teams, their selection, their tactics and their future, I was unable to arrange them all into something coherent enough to read. Instead these thoughts will remain forgotten, burped on to the wind at so many drunken barbeques. (As a result of this, I’d also like to extend that apology to anyone who occasionally checked back to Big League and continually witnessed that goofy photo of Andrew McDonald: No-one needs that.) More to the point, however, I think my lack of production speaks to larger problem I’m having.
At many times over the past 3 years I have started, scrapped, adjusted and then rewritten blogs, always managing to squeeze something out; an idea, theory, joke or slanderous accusation. Over the past, almost, 6 months, however, this has not been the case; I appear to have lost my 'voice'.
So, as of today, Big League Little League will officially take a break of indefinite length.
Did the events of last September take it out of me? Perhaps. But I don’t think I’ll know until deeper into the season. I did watch the first NAB Cup game and I have plans to watch the next. I still have the occasional interesting thought about Geelong and the AFL in general and this is not a definite end, but rather a, “wait-and-see” type of situation.
I’d like to encourage everyone interested to sign up for the RSS feed, so if and when we come back, you’ll be notified. And who knows, maybe the NAB Cup sighting of Kane Tenace will inspire the ink to flow. Maybe Mrs Watson will take the reins again. Or maybe Big League will emerge as something completely different.
In the meantime, thanks to all readers, and especially to those who took the time to comment.
Best Wishes,
The Captain