Timing, Momentum & Pop Music, or, Where's Mrs. Watson?
It’s funny, sometimes, the timing of things. Like my moving house, and subsequent period of time without broadband, that coincided perfectly with the time the Cats were inactive due to the split round.
Momentum too, is a funny thing. Once you’ve got it, you don’t want to lose it; you want to keep building on it, keep it rolling.
I recently passed 100 posts on Big League Little League (if you click on “The Captain” underneath contributors it should give you an exact amount) and my last blog, about St.Kilda of all things, generated the most comments we’ve ever had for a single post. It was encouraging to read the responses and just how far around the world we were reaching. Big League seemed to be moving in the right direction. (Although I have no frickin idea how its possible that there are two Chris Jacksons, on opposite sides of the globe, who not only found, but continue to read, the same low-brow blog, about a small town football team, written by a couple of bum supporters with minor alcohol issues and an endless repertoire of Richo jokes).
The Cats too, are moving in the right direction. Sitting on top of the ladder, Geelong is both four premiership points and a healthy slice of percentage clear, having reeled off six impressive wins in a row before having to sit out last weekend.
Both of us have had to endure forced breaks just as we were building momentum. As I said in the beginning, timing can be funny sometimes.
This week the Cats have to rebuild that momentum against a Sydney team with their backs fairly and squarely against the wall; a familiar position for them (no Mardi Gras jokes please) in which they have proved they are at their most dangerous. It will tell us just what, if any, the affect of the split round had on both teams.
Meanwhile, as we speak, Telstra is scouring the country for their most incompetent team to hook up my broadband (speaking of Internet service providers, have you seen those Dodo ads? Is Tara Reid getting paid directly in cocaine these days? I mean, she looks about two more Red Bull & vodkas away from pulling a Boogie Nights and taking on four guys in the driveway as William H. Macy looks on in disgust) and Mrs. Watson is back to his usual pessimistic ways.
Yes, eventhough he no longer involves himself in the blog, we still talk footy, and he is insistent that Geelong will lose this match, even going as far as to urge me to take my last pennies to the TAB and get on the Swans under 35.5 points. But you know what? I’m not gonna listen to him and I encourage you to do the same.
If we take the parallels between the GFC and Big League – the momentum, the break and the need to recapture form – we can focus our collective energies into this blog as a way of positively influence the Cats. Mrs. Watson be damned! So far he’s contributed only once this season, and that was a shared, conversation blog. If he was an AFL team he’d have a draw only. He’s the Richmond of Big League Little league! That’s right, I said it, Mrs. Watson is Richmond, and are we gonna take advice from Richmond?!? I mean, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t even read the blog anymore, probably too busy deconstructing New Pornographers albums in the search for the perfect pop song.
This is a call to arms! Let’s stick it right up Watson and the Swans, as E.J. would say. Leave a comment and let him know how disappointed you are. Then get some new punters on board. Email your friends and collegaues and drop them this URL. Spread the Big League word! Pass this bastard around like a crack-pipe at a West Coast pie night. Share this thing like Rohypnol on a St.Kilda end of season trip. Deliver this thing to a mate like a lightning Corey Enright handpass out of a pack.
Let’s get everyone involved in a singular, integrated movement to will the Cats over the line and bring back Big League’s other so-called contributor, our own Slow Wonder, Mrs. Watson and his ridiculous titles. But could someone could let him know for me? I can’t seem to get hold of him. A.C. Newman must have a new album out.

Momentum too, is a funny thing. Once you’ve got it, you don’t want to lose it; you want to keep building on it, keep it rolling.
I recently passed 100 posts on Big League Little League (if you click on “The Captain” underneath contributors it should give you an exact amount) and my last blog, about St.Kilda of all things, generated the most comments we’ve ever had for a single post. It was encouraging to read the responses and just how far around the world we were reaching. Big League seemed to be moving in the right direction. (Although I have no frickin idea how its possible that there are two Chris Jacksons, on opposite sides of the globe, who not only found, but continue to read, the same low-brow blog, about a small town football team, written by a couple of bum supporters with minor alcohol issues and an endless repertoire of Richo jokes).
The Cats too, are moving in the right direction. Sitting on top of the ladder, Geelong is both four premiership points and a healthy slice of percentage clear, having reeled off six impressive wins in a row before having to sit out last weekend.
Both of us have had to endure forced breaks just as we were building momentum. As I said in the beginning, timing can be funny sometimes.
This week the Cats have to rebuild that momentum against a Sydney team with their backs fairly and squarely against the wall; a familiar position for them (no Mardi Gras jokes please) in which they have proved they are at their most dangerous. It will tell us just what, if any, the affect of the split round had on both teams.
Meanwhile, as we speak, Telstra is scouring the country for their most incompetent team to hook up my broadband (speaking of Internet service providers, have you seen those Dodo ads? Is Tara Reid getting paid directly in cocaine these days? I mean, she looks about two more Red Bull & vodkas away from pulling a Boogie Nights and taking on four guys in the driveway as William H. Macy looks on in disgust) and Mrs. Watson is back to his usual pessimistic ways.
Yes, eventhough he no longer involves himself in the blog, we still talk footy, and he is insistent that Geelong will lose this match, even going as far as to urge me to take my last pennies to the TAB and get on the Swans under 35.5 points. But you know what? I’m not gonna listen to him and I encourage you to do the same.
If we take the parallels between the GFC and Big League – the momentum, the break and the need to recapture form – we can focus our collective energies into this blog as a way of positively influence the Cats. Mrs. Watson be damned! So far he’s contributed only once this season, and that was a shared, conversation blog. If he was an AFL team he’d have a draw only. He’s the Richmond of Big League Little league! That’s right, I said it, Mrs. Watson is Richmond, and are we gonna take advice from Richmond?!? I mean, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t even read the blog anymore, probably too busy deconstructing New Pornographers albums in the search for the perfect pop song.
This is a call to arms! Let’s stick it right up Watson and the Swans, as E.J. would say. Leave a comment and let him know how disappointed you are. Then get some new punters on board. Email your friends and collegaues and drop them this URL. Spread the Big League word! Pass this bastard around like a crack-pipe at a West Coast pie night. Share this thing like Rohypnol on a St.Kilda end of season trip. Deliver this thing to a mate like a lightning Corey Enright handpass out of a pack.
Let’s get everyone involved in a singular, integrated movement to will the Cats over the line and bring back Big League’s other so-called contributor, our own Slow Wonder, Mrs. Watson and his ridiculous titles. But could someone could let him know for me? I can’t seem to get hold of him. A.C. Newman must have a new album out.
Firstly, nice "Driving the Porcelain Bus" photo!
Secondly, I am flying my arse down to Kardinia Park from Sydney and will plonk it squarely in the stand formerly known as the R.J. Hickey on Saturday Arvo (as I have done many times since the mid 80's) to witness the Cats slaughter the Swans, just to stick it right up the likes of Mrs. Watson and his "traditional" Geelong Supporter ilk.
I could almost hear the massive epic music building as I read the last couple of paragraphs. I must admit I do miss Mrs Watto - even though he is a hater.
Calling Mrs Watson Richmond is like calling Didak misguided.It's just not enough.I think a total name change to Mrs Richo is the go.I'll be there on saturday.We will win easily unless it rains.
I'm glad that 'the other' Chris Jackson and I are finally getting some cred. We've contributed far more in 2007 than Mrs. Watson, let's be honest here. Mrs. Watson has fallen apart worse than the last 20 minutes of 'Wedding Crashers' and reminded at least a few punters of Geelong efforts against the rancid Bulldogs in fourth quarter affairs of recent years! Captain, we'll support you, but if Mrs. Watson can't get back in the game, I suggest that each week you draft a random into bigleaguelittleleague to add some credibility to the what-has-become-a-one-man-show routine.
Worst case scenario: Drew Morphett might be up for a gig!!
Here bloody here.
Although I've never seen, met or spoken to Mrs Watson, I can confidently state he is the worst bloke in Australia (slightly ahead of that other Chris Jackson bloke).
Telstra - worst broadband possible. They charge for UPLOAD as well as download! Excess usage? That'll be $150 per gigabyte (not a typo, one hundred and fifty dollars). Exetel charge $3 per gigabyte (three dollars) excess usage, and no charge for upload.
You might want to get a better deal, check with http://www.whirlpool.com.au/ to find out what service providers can supply your particular phone line.
Mrs. Watson is like Mick Molloy to your Tony Martian (the crap-angry-loud guy that just goes on rants that aint that great) Why get him back? Why not get that guy that used to post those huge responses, I forget his name, but you could tell from his comments that he wanted to be invited to the writing team. Anyway I once challenged Mrs. Watson to an axe fight in an Indian restaurant and he declined….thats just the type of guy he is. Peace out.
Ehh hem, i do believe that if any man has the right and dishonor to claim they are the molloy to the captains martin, i am that man.
Sure, i havn't written to the blog for a year or two, and okay, i may not be exactley sober right now..but hmmm not sure what i was talking about. Hey captain, heres a joke-
How did Dearth Vader know what luke skywalker was getting for Xmas?
He felt his presents.
Gold. scratch xx
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