So this is Christmas, and what have you done? - John Lennon.
Now that I think about it, that quote is going to be pretty hard to tie into this, the inaugural ‘big league little league’ blog, but someone once told me that it’s always good to start with a quote – they never said anything about relevance. And so here we are.
The pre-season competition kicked off on the weekend and 16 teams have become 8 in the quest for irrelevance (unless Geelong wins). There were a few close ones, a couple of beltings and a lot of mistakes, but the one important thing here is that Kent Kingsley kicked 9 goals straight. That’s right folks, after years of the Geelong outer asking what he's done, the Kent of Kingsley bagged 9. He is an interesting character, Kent, and one gets the feeling there is more to him than meets the eye. Not only is he Geelong's full forward and leading goal kicker the past 4 seasons, but he’s a Publican, a twin, and an eccentric millionaire who made his money in the black market ivory trade and high stakes ‘jenga’ games. Alright, I made that last one up, but the point is he surprised us all. It was against Carlton though and, let’s face it, if Half-Cat played full-forward against Carlton, he’d probably kick 4 or 5.
And so the blog has begun, and inspired by Kent Kingsley, we will endeavour to surprise you, the reader, with an insightful, entertaining, Geelong biased look at the AFL. So read on and tell your friends. Who knows, it could be fun, hell, Kent might even get his jumper dirty this season.
Just what the doctor ordered.
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